Connecting together through living stories

Using Memories to Keep in Touch We all have a story to tell about our lives, sometimes we enhance those stories with funny anecdotes, which, over time can feel more like fact to us, the more we recall them. In the end what really happened and what we remember...

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Going on holiday with a Suitcase of Memories

Tourism and the Sensory Self Now that winter is hopefully coming to a close, you can start to look forward to Spring and lighter evenings ahead. Often this is the time that people start to think about their summer holidays. Of course, when you are caring with a loved...

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Altered States

Hallucinations, Delusions and Misperceptions Sometimes dementia can cause a person to experience a different reality to our own, this may include seeing, hearing, tasting or smelling something that isn’t present (hallucinations), inability to recognise objects,...

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A Safe Sensory Home

Creating a Calm, Safe Place People living with dementia often fare best in surroundings that are familiar to them. The home environment can provide a sense of security and with that, can help you to maintain a feeling of confidence in yourself and your loved one. By...

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Understanding Behaviour

Understanding Behaviour

You may find that over time the way your loved one responds or acts in certain situations may change. This can be puzzling and at times, upsetting since their actions may be completely out of character. Be aware that this can be due to a number of reasons, such as:...

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A diagnosis of dementia, what now?

A diagnosis of dementia, what now?

If your partner/loved one has just received a diagnosis of dementia, you are probably both feeling scared and uncertain about what lies ahead. If you have children living at home there will be an added concern about how you and your partner’s roles as parents will...

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Hi, I’m Dr Jane M Mullins

Dementia Nurse Consultant

You can contact me for consultancy, training and talks