I have known Jane for a number of years through my role as Research and Practice Development Officer within the Wales School for Social Care Research, Swansea University. Jane is one of those people whose authenticity and humanity is evident to all who meet and get to know her. When she writes anything, you know that is it coming from a heart that cares rather than one that is trying to impress. This delightful books is a synthesis of what we know from research and Jane’s own practice wisdom. The result is a beautifully crafted and very practical guide for families living with dementia. I thoroughly recommend it.

Nick Andrews

Research and Practice Development Officer, Swansea University

“Finding the Light” is a wonderful book. It should be bought by anyone caring for someone living with dementia, who will find in it a practical handbook for the issues they may encounter, a fund of shared experiences by others, and an uplifting source of inspiration when things are difficult.
Throughout the book the experience and compassion of the author shines through. Jane Mullins is a dementia nurse consultant who has devoted over 25 years to the study and practice of dementia and all her knowledge is distilled into this informative, non-technical work.
Those reading it will find sections on facing the diagnosis, communicating, using life stories to stay connected, creating a calm, safe home, and tips for sleep, eating and drinking. There are chapters too on some of the challenges that can come with dementia: behavioural issues, hallucinations, and the difficult issue of considering outside care. Perhaps the most important chapter is that on caring for the caregiver: so often overlooked. At the end of each chapter is space for notes: practical ways for the carer to note down problems and solutions, as each individual is unique.
I suspect this book will rapidly become an essential vade mecum for anyone travelling on this journey: a companion to guide them, acknowledge the difficulties, provide practical tips and solutions. Above all, it lives up to its name, providing an uplifting beacon of light to guide and inspire.”

Dr Peter Bagshaw,

GP, Somerset CCG and SWCN Clinical Lead for Dementia

This book is fantastic. I am a dementia specialist in a care home and a part time university lecturer in dementia care. I recommend this book to the families of the people I care for and my students. It is beautifully crafted and put together. The information is accessible while still being insightful. The note pages after each chapter is genius, allowing the reader to tailor the information to their love one or own needs. This is a must buy for professionals and families alike.

Phil Harper

Associate Lecturer in Dementia Care, Worcester University

“I found ‘Finding the Light in Dementia’, an absolute gem of a book to read following my own diagnosis of early onset Dementia. It is a must read for any carers, friends and family of people diagnosed with Dementia. The book doesn’t avoid the difficult issues that have to be faced but addresses them in an easy to understand, positive and sympathetic way. The book sets out very clearly the ‘Journey’ that each person with Dementia will make and how each of these stages can be managed to ensure you can live well with Dementia, as much possible, for as long as possible.

The Book is filled with quotes from people who actually experience what it is like to live with Dementia and provides really useful emotional and practical advice to those who are Caring. Issues like creating a calm and safe environment, understanding sudden changes in behaviour and communication are so important and these are covered so well, along with many others.

An issue that is never covered enough and is, in many ways, as important as the care of the person with Dementia, is caring for the Carer. The book offers quick and easy tips for caregivers to nurture and replenish themselves.

For me Depression is like gravity, it pulls but never pushes, drawing me downwards into darker and darker places that I never thought I would go. Fear and agitation added to depression are the major emotions that I deal with and carers have deal with this. They have to be able to fill those better days, that will become more frequent with things that make you feel you are still contributing to the betterment of the family, friends and even the local community and a degree of independence. This book provides help and advice for carers to be able to be able to do just that.

Just like in real life we are all different and there is no one way to describe the effect of the illness or how best to treat those who suffer from it. That makes Dementia Care difficult but getting it right is essential and ‘Finding the Light in Dementia’ goes a long way in doing just that. I cannot stress highly enough just how important a contribution this book will make.”

Dr. Andy Woodhead

(person living with dementia & advisor to Reading Agency)


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